Monday, July 19, 2010

False Sense of Authorship

"How do I look? How will I know when I see it?"

These are the questions that inevitably follow when I say, " look deeply. See what lies beyond the surface."

There is no "how" to looking. It is like breathing. It happens. Sure you can train yourself to modify your breathing but the breathing itself requires no effort or skill. Like your breathing, this looking is happening all the time. What the Teaching may bring is awareness of What, now in this eternal moment. To see it, only looking is necessary.

The question of "how do I do this looking?" is usually tied to the persistent involvement by the False Sense of Authorship. The FSA's job is to claim that it is responsible for what you do, therefore when you contemplate doing something there is inevitably an overlay of tension and fear. "What if I fail? What if I do it wrong?" When the FSA is active and claiming to be the "I" that does things, there can be no peace.

Look deeply without a "how."


Just do it!!

- Wayne